πŸ“’ BBHC COVID-19 / Caronavirus Statement πŸ“’

17 Mar 2020 by Ballarat Blaze Hockey Club

Dear Blaze Members,

Following the recent announcement from Hockey Victoria – click here to access Media Release – the Ballarat Blaze Hockey Club committee has decided that all club activities will be cancelled for at least the next two weeks.

While Hockey Victoria has recommended that the season proceed as normal, as a club dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our members, the risk in proceeding as normal for at least the next two weeks is too great. While Hockey Victoria’s position has been made in relation primarily to the numbers of people gathering in any one location for training and matches, it appears to straddle a very contested line between conduct per normal and postponement. The following have decided to conduct matches per normal but without spectator participation –Rugby League, AFL, and Cricket, with the following organisations postponing their seasons – Netball, Tennis, Rugby Union, and Cycling.

The BBHC committee has made the decision to cancel all activities for the next two weeks based on the regularly updated medical advice from the World Health Organisation and other health professionals, and in review of the impact of social distancing and hygiene practices on the spread of the virus observed within other communities.

As you may, or may not, be aware, a unique feature of the COVID-19 virus is that one person can pass on the disease to another person without even knowing they have it. This is called asymptomatic transmission. While social distancing, increased hygiene practices, and isolation-based practices will reduce the rate of spread, it will not eradicate the virus. Yes, there is some positive information circulating around the possibility of a vaccine, however, this is not a reality at this time. Staying connected with updated advice and taking care of yourself and your loved ones should be the priority at this time.

We understand that most of our membership will want to continue with preparations, so to this end, Sara Weuffen (President) and Joanne Kemp (Secretary) will be at the Prince of Wales Hockey pitch tonight from 6pm-7.30pm offering members the opportunity to borrow a ball to continue practicing their skills in small groups in the fresh air, and discuss their concerns. All equipment will be disinfected prior to loaning. Please do not attend if you are not healthy, ie: runny nose, cough, head cold, headaches, nausea, fever, etc.

Coaches will also be in contact with their respective members to communicate recommendations for maintaining fitness and skills prior to the beginning of the season. Please note, that members will not be able to practice their skills on the Prince of Wales Park Hockey pitch as the Ballarat Aquatic Centre has closed for the time being.

At this time, we ask all our members to remain calm, vigilant, and healthy and please touch base with the committee via email over the next two weeks if you have any concerns. The committee will be meeting next week via Skype to discuss processes moving forward.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Sara Weuffen (President) & Joanne Kemp (Secretary)

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